Bala Cynwyd, May 2017—When 7000 cyclists descend on Ocean City, NJ in September, Team CWA will stand out in the crowd. Not only has the eight-member band of cycling architects raised over $15,000 to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, they will be defending their 2016 title for Best Team Jersey.
“This will be our fifth year participating,” said Team CWA Captain Susan Chisolm. “Being part of an extraordinary event like this unifies the office in joyful ways.”
Designed by Peter E. Brown, the winning jersey features the office mascots on the front and back of a vivid tie-dyed pattern. In 2014 and 2015, Team CWA was also honored as a “Gold Team” that raised $5000 in one year.
“We train during the summer after work and on weekends,” said Mimi Converse Winkler, founder of Converse Winkler Architecture. “This kind of commitment is just what our staff is like – focused and fun.”
Bike MS: City to Shore is a two-day event that starts in Cherry Hill, NJ, winds through the flat terrain and back roads of South Jersey and the blueberry fields of Hammonton, ending in Ocean City to cheering crowds. The 2017 Ride will be held September 23-24, with route options for all cycling abilities from 25-180 miles. Funds raised will be used to drive MS research and deliver services to those who face the challenges of MS every day.
Team CWA invites other riders to join their team by contacting Susan Chisholm at